Faith is best formed when we're together.
One part traditional, one part informal, all ages will find something meaningful in worship as we encounter the living God.
We’re excited to have the families of Northbrook lead worship on the first Sunday of each month. Northbrook member Steve Taylor will help us with music and our LOGOS friends will guide us through other parts of the service. You won’t want to miss this special monthly service: led by our young people, for all God’s people.
This Sunday, we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday. We’ll be exploring Luke’s telling of this dramatic event in Luke 9:28-36. Of all the bible stories I knew as a kid, I have no recollection of this one. But, as an adult, I find more and more meaning in this revelation of Jesus - and a hint toward his purpose - up in the mountain.
I hope you can join us on Sunday - either in person or online - to learn more. We’ll also welcome the Northbrook Band and celebrate communion.
This Sunday, we will welcome the Rev. Dr. Loren M. Scribner, retired Presbyterian pastor, to the pulpit. Pastor Ben and Pastor Scribner work together on the Commission on Preparation for Ministry for the Presbytery of Detroit, and we hope that you will enjoy his reflections.
We are so excited to welcome Marisa Turner as our special guest for worship this Sunday. She will be singing some of her favorite gospel songs during worship and engaging in a conversation with Pastor Ben regarding her selections. Please take a moment to read her impressive bio below and come to worship ready to be inspired!
It’s hard to keep up with the daily deluge of news. Is our financial information secure? Are our immigrant neighbors secure? Are our LGBTQ loved ones secure? How do we respond when things don’t go the way we think they should? In our text this Sunday in Luke 5, a group of fishermen spent all night fishing and came home with empty nets. Daring to trust Jesus, they discovered another catch that was far beyond what they ever imagined.
Our service this Sunday will begin with a video based on a prayer by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and we will once again use our prayer of confession for Black History Month.
Northbrook Presbyterian Church
22055 W. 14 Mile Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025