Commit your way to the Lord; trust in the Holy One, and God will act. - Psalm 37:5
Here at Northbrook, we are "living the love of Jesus Christ," and we're learning how to make that love tangible. A pledge is a commitment to support Northbrook’s operating budget next year, providing the resources needed to live the love of Jesus Christ in our ministries and mission. We invite you to make a commitment to support Christ’s ministry here at Northbrook in 2025.
We encourage you to make your commitment to give today. Thank you for your generosity.
FaithStreet is a simple online giving tool to connect you with Northbrook. Use as a guest or create your own account to make giving easier every time!
You can use PayPal for any type of contribution to Northbrook. It's an especially easy way to make Memorial Gifts and Program Registration payments.
Make checks payable to:
Northbrook Presbyterian Church
22055 W. 14 Mile Road
Beverly Hills, MI 48025
In addition to giving, you can use the above methods to pay for Northbrook programs, such as LOGOS, summer church camp, and preschool tuition.
If you use the online FaithStreet or PayPay methods of payment, we invite you to consider including the added cost of using those services. *Be sure to indicate the purpose of the payment and the name of the person(s) you are paying for in the designated space on their websites.
Not only will your gift support the work God is doing among us here at Northbrook, it will multiply among the many other ministry partners that we support. Northbrook intentionally tithes 10% of offerings for distribution to others in need. Gifts to Northbrook are gratefully received and carefully used in providing love, fellowship, and spiritual growth within our church, our community and around the world.
Thank you for giving with Northbrook!
The Mission Connection ministry team has the joy of supporting a variety of ministries in the Metro Detroit area and beyond. Northbrook gives 10% of its contributions directly to partner ministries to support the important work they do. We're excited to share more about our partners and how you can get involved.
Northbrook Presbyterian Church
22055 W. 14 Mile Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025
Copyright © 2025 Northbrook Presbyterian Church - All Rights Reserved.